Thursday, October 17, 2013

The 5th week (?) Nobody knows.‏

October 17, 2013

Maayong Hapon, my loved ones!

First off... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to so many! Happy birthday this week to Spencer, Next week to Laila bug, to Dad and Krista on the 28th and to Drew in a couple weeks! Yay for getting old!

What a week it's been. We finally got our flight plans! We fly out of SLC at 7:30 am on Monday morning going to Detroit!! (Gerber's country! woo hoo!) which means we get up around 1 or 2 in the morning..... All nighter? ;) Joke-lang. I'm PUMPED. The MTC has been awesome but I cannot wait to be in the Pines. From Detroit we fly all the way to Manila! We won't get there till 10:55 pm on October 22nd. 9:00ish am here in Utah time. Whew! A 19 hour flight.... What a rude awakening for a virgin flyer. :) I've heard rumors we'll stop in Tokyo to refill though... Wouldnt that be a treat! I'll see if I can send pictures.

I can only get mail up until Saturday at 2 pm so don't send anything after that or... I don't actually know what will happen... But it won't reach me :) I'll get you my new address asap! But just know that letters are estimated at around 6 week delivery and I haven't heard too many good things about Dear Elders being reliable, but try, and we'll see how it goes. I think I'll still have only an hour on Pdays in the Philippines to email, so if I don't get to everyone don't lose your testimony. 

Another funny language mishap from this week (with Sister Ribelin again :) ) She was teaching me the word of wisdom in a role play, and at the end, I'm still not sure what she was trying to say, but it ended up coming out, "Gusto ko ang lawas mo!" Which is basically... "I want your body." I've made a mental note to never say that sentence :)
Probably better that it happens here rather than the Pines! Ahaha. 

That package from you, mom (and Megan, and Cliff and Julie) couldn't have come a moment too soon! Those journals were a blessing! Wanna know why?

ELDER DALLIN H. OAKS came and did our Tuesday Devotional!! Pinaka Maayo!!! It was the MOST best. So good. And my other journal was already filled up... So when I opened that package right before we left for Devo, and it had those journals I was so happy. My first entry is Elder Oaks and his wife. It's the little things :) He talked about missionaries having the challenge to 1) Change, 2)To receive gifts of the Spirit and 3)to Become. So, so good. I wish these were available to everyone, but having them special for missionaries is so good too. He also talked about how ours is the True and Living gospel because we have 1) The Fullness of the Gospel 2) The Keys to the Priesthood and 3) A Unique testimony of Christ because of our knowledge of our relationship to Him. Ah. Spiritual bombing much?! Prophets and Apostles are truly the mouthpieces of the Lord. If you ever doubt that, then lean on my testimony, because the Lord strengthened what I already thought to be a sure testimony of Prophets and apostles of God. 

This week I had sort of a "clunk" moment in my brain. You know those moments where things just finally clunk into place and you're like, "Oh, duh. I should have gotten this sooner,"?

Well, I had one of those. We were talking in class with Sister Tamang, and I was sharing a thought I had earlier last Pday in the temple, which was that the Temple is all about missionary work, and since the Temple is one of our ulitmate goals here in this life, it follows that Missionary work is also one of our ultimate goals! Everything we do; missions, having families, TEMPLES, all leads back to our purpose as missionaries, (our purpose as children of God, really,) which is "to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel." When we build families, have children, go to the temple, we are bringing souls unto Christ through the gospel! Missionary work is everything. In some form or another, it takes center stage here in this life. It's simply not enough to have it. We get to share it with the world! This is the best part. What a wonderful time.

Adam, Spencer and Jared... I thought of you all as I read in Alma this week.... A funny text conversation seemed to come to my mind as I read Alma 52:29 and 36. Hopefully I don't get struck down because I laughed to myself.

Welp, I'm alive and well, and praying to be so again when I email ya'll probably sometime around next Monday. It'll be a long week and a half, but I appreciate and feel all your prayers. I hope you feel mine... You are in my prayers all day long. Keep telling me about your missionary experiences, I love it! Thanks for sharing, Adam. You are all examples to me and I think of you often doing this great work with me. 

One last thought: Sister Oaks told us in Devo when she spoke to remember that "[You missionaries] Go forth under the banner of the Lord. His angels go before you, His angels go behind you, and they are on your right and on your left." This was said to all of us set apart missionaries, but we are all working as member missionaries in the church to push forward this great work. What are we afraid of? Put your fears before the Lord and I promise He will replace them with courage. The angels are surrounding us! I love you all so much, and I am humbled and overwhelmed daily with the help and the family that the Lord has blessed me with. I bear testimony of the reality of Joseph Smith. This week we taught a few of our investigators the Restoration, we sang Praise to the Man in our Tuesday Devo, and i watched the Restoration movie on Sunday night. This week has provided many opportunities to help me grow my love for the Prophet. I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for this opportunity! Sometimes I honestly can't believe I am so blessed. I can't wait to tell you more about my adventures on my way to the Philippines, and what happens when I get there. The gospel is so true! My love goes with you.

Sister Luke

1. I ran into elder Matua! I knew him in high school. Yay!

2. Loving our temple walk in the pouring rain! Just prepping us for the Pines :)

3. Sopping wet friends.

4. We made a trip to the outside world to go to the optometrist for Sister Haun.

5. This picture is for Carly... make sure to send it to her, mom :). Sister Char has the same lotion and perfume that Carly uses... i put it on in the morning and it makes me happy! Now our room always smells like carly. :) (That's a good thing..)

6. Just lovin it!

The 4th week!‏

October 10, 2013

Kamusta pamilya!

Crazy crazy week again. We got notice Tuesday night at 4 pm that we were moving BACK to Main Campus at noon the next day. Ahaha. So here I am, at Main Campus once again. We live in the same building, but different floor. We have a corner room, which means it's bigger than the one he had here before, so that's cool. It's been good practice to keep moving every 2 weeks we've been here... Now we're really good at packing :) Thank you to Cliff and Julie for the package, Megan for the amazing and beautiful calendar, Drew, and Megan for the packages!!! They are much appreciated! :) Thank for for the mail and support. My new address (sorry... AGAIN) is:

Sister Amy Luke
2011 N 900 E Unit 260
Provo, UT

So... Conference!! RIGHT?! So amazing. The Most amazing. Love. I love watching conference anyway,but watching it at the MTC with so many Sisters and Elders is inspiring. The Spirit really resides here, and hearing from so many amazing speakers and our beloved prophet was an experience I'll never forget. That Sunday night for Devotional they had Vocal Point come and perform and do a fireside! Wowza. Pretty much as close to a concert as you can get here. They were amazing to listen to... I really have missed music like that. Speaking of which, I just got back from Auditions to sing here at the MTC and they said they'd send me an invitation in the next few days to sing at a meeting they'll pick. So that's cool. 

Rumor has it that someone "big" is coming for Devo next Tuesday night... The Devotional is getting broadcast to all the MTC's Worldwide, so... I'll for sure keep you posted!

This week our whole branch left. It was sad... and sort of lonely. Those elders and sisters were for sure powerhouses. It was bittersweet to say goodbye! I'm so happy for them. That will be US in nearly 10 days! We are supposed to get our flight plans TODAY which is pretty much like your whole district's second mission call. We get to open them all together and I cannot wait :) We got our new intake of missionaries yesterday and I love them! 5 new districts. Wow. Good thing we're over here at Main Campus with them so we can show them the ropes!

I'm loving my experiences here. I can feel that I'm growing leaps and bounds. Can't wait to do more. The language is as good as it can be, although I know I'll be pretty much back to square one by the time I land in the Philippines but it's all good! Heavenly Father knows us. 

I loved that Conference was all about all kinds of missionary work. It's no longer enough to stand idly by and simply enjoy the gospel in our lives! It's our duty as members and missionaries alike to share the gospel in any and all ways that we can, and where the Spirit directs us to. I challenge anyone reading this to find a friend to invite to church. Invite others to Christ, everyone, everyone's lives can be improved by the gospel, it doesn't matter how happy their lives may already be. The gospel makes bad men good and good men better. Sorry, off my soapbox :) 
I also loved that the women were spoken to a lot, and that commandments and covenants were emphasized so much. We must stand tall in the gospel. As President Monson said, "Shall I falter, or shall I finish?" 
Okay, some conference highlights for me (although it's very impossible for me to pick a favorite talk. Don't even ask.) :

I loved that Sister Stephen's and Elder Christofferson's talks were about woman and womanhood. I loved how much Elder Christofferson addressed the moral influence of women, and gently urged us to step up in our callings. Step up our level of virtue and make sure we are sharing with others that strong moral influence we are blessed with.

President Eyring's talk... AMAZING. Just... Read it. "Man's laws cannot make moral that which the Lord's law has declared immoral.  .....Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God." You just can't cheat the commandments! They are there and they are solid and immovable. I love that.

Neil L. Anderson's talk on the Priesthood and blessings. Lovely stuff.

Terence M. Vinson said, "Give the Lord your heart." I love that! Give your heart to Him.. Our hearts will alwaysbe safe in the Master's hands.

Elder Nelson's talk was one of my faves. Each day is a day of decision. We are "never too young to learn, never too old to change." We are eternal beings, therefore, progressing eternally. Change is repentance... and repentance needs to be constant. "Freedom from self-slavery is the ultimate liberty.... Self-mastery: the strength to place reason over appetite." When we master our natural man tendencies and appetites within the bounds that the Lord has set, we can enjoy greater love... What a tender blessing! and my last favorite quote from him, "The Doctrine cannot be changed by man, just because it is legalized before God." The gospel is not ours to change... it is ours to maintain. I know that the gospel is the only thing here on earth that will bring enduring happiness.

I'm running out of time as usual but Elder Bednar's and Elder Holland's talks were amazing (0f course) "Though we be a broken vessel, we are a vessel in the hands of the Lord".

 President Uchtdorf, and Timothy J. Dyches had some really solid, awesome stuff in their talks. 

May we all carry on in the work of the Lord! I love being a missionary, I love you, and I pray for you every night. I invite you all to read Elder Ballard's talk and write me and tell me your thoughts. Tell me who you will reach out to by Christmas this year, and how you will do it! I love to hear about your missionary work. I love you so so much, Keep on keeping on!

Sister Luke

1. After our long walk in the brisk morning air back to Main Campus to watch General Conference! It was quite like the walk one makes down the stairs to open presents on Christmas Morning.

2. Distrito ko. The Bomb.

3. Our amazing temple walk and the beautiful fall day! God is amazing.

4. Saying goodbye to our French Canadian friend who speaks 5 Languages and is learning Mandarin! Wowzer

5. Goodbye to Elder Hosch and Elder Heimuli! Love these Elders.

6. Saying farewell to our smashing Sister Training Leader's, Sister Wolfe (short one) and Sister Sears.

7. Look who I ran into walking home from Devo!! So fun so see a familiar face! Love you, Ryan!

8. I'm pretty much a rebel. Even the signs say Sisters and Elders for the bathroom! I Love our titles. 

9. .....Surprise! We moved again! Got notice at about 4 o'clock on Tuesday that we were moving at 12 the next day back to main campus. So... Coming to you live back at main campus now!