Thursday, January 30, 2014

News, News and News

Written 1/26/14

Good Morning my loved ones!

Wow. What a week. Happy Martin Luther King day from last week, and Happy Birthday to Heather this week! Hope it's good even if I'm not there ;)
So.... Might as well just spit it out instead of chewing on the bad news.....

EMERGENCY TRANSFERS. I hate them. I wish I had perfect faith and trust but I don't... And I hate transfers. I got a call last night from the AP's that I transfer on Tuesday. I don't know where or with who yet... That'll come in my next week email! Sister Nielsen and I are SO bummed. I'm devastated to be leaving this area, Sister Davis, and Sister Nielsen. We've been getting along and teaching and finding like mad, and this area was really starting to progress even more. *Sigh.* It's all part of the plan.
In the happy news this week, Sister K. got baptized! She's the cutest thing, I LOVE her. We had an amazing lesson with her on Friday night, the night before her baptism, on the Plan of Salvation. She's been asking a couple questions about it and we were really excited to teach her. We brought KA with us, one of our awesome ward missionaries. As we neared the end of the lesson, K. asked us with tears rolling down her face where her Mom is now (she's since passed away) and how she could ever be a forever family with her since her mom was never baptized. If you know me, I can't hold back the tears if anyone else is crying so.. eventually we were just 4 women sitting there in tears, and I got to explain to K. about temple work, as I showed her the picture of the Salt Lake Temple in the back of my scriptures. When she asked us, I told her it was possible, and she looked at me and said, "Really?" It was that moment that I realized how strong my testimony of temples has become. I testified without a doubt about my forever family, and how she can do the work for her mother after she is baptized. The Spirit was the strongest I've ever felt in my mission, and it was amazing how gentle it was, but strong at the same time. Sister KA bore a powerful testimony... Her dad died and they've since done temple work for him as well- I know it was inspired that she came with us to that lesson. I learn so much from our awesome investigators.

Our miracle this week:
A few weeks ago, Sister Fitzgerald and I started praying specifically to find an "elect" investigator, prepared by Heavenly Father for us. We OYM'ed a man named TD in one of our neighborhoods, Rosario Heights, and he seemed pretty interested, and we've been trying to recontact him ever since. We've run into him here and there and tried to set up appointments, but he's never been home. Due to the fact that they have no addresses here... We found out last week that we'd been barking up the wrong tree.. Or in this case "Tag Balay"-ing at the wrong house. (For the Philippines novices: We say "Tag balay" outside the house instead of doorbells and knocking. Sometimes the neighbors think we're crazy.. Two white girls in skirts and holding blue books screaming at the doors of our investigators, but you know, it's cool.) Back on track. We found out where he actually lives and tried to go there, but only his daughter J. was home, so we set up a return appointment when the family was home. Later that week at district meeting, the Elders gave us a bunch of old record for OUR side that had been sitting in their area book. When we looked through the records... Lo, and behold, who did we find? J. (the daughter!) She had a record and had been taught all the lessons, been to church multiple times and even had a baptismal date. Because of some unexpected issues with some commandments, she had turned into a former investigator almost 2 years ago. Sister Nielsen and I determined to go visit her again. We got in the lesson with her and had barely sat down when she told us she wanted to continue teachings with the missionaries and wants to be baptized as soon as possible. Like... Where are these people coming from?? The Lord totally answered mine and Sister Fitzgerald's prayer to find an elect, even though it was in His time. J. is going to be baptized on February 15th (Same as Dayjah, Aubs!) and I know we came across her as an answer to our prayers.

Okay, this email is already getting long but I want to share something from my personal study. I've been thinking about the term "Savior and Redeemer".... I've wondered if there is a difference between the two words and if so, what is it? Everyone here (because it's a Christian country) always tells us that Jesus Christ is our personal Savior and our Redeemer, but it seems almost recited every time. I decided to look into it and an analogy popped into my head as I studied. It's as if we're falling over an edge into a deep hole. Christ is our Savior, meaning that His arm is extended toward us, and He catches us, so we don't fall into the hole.  Technically we're saved, because we won't fall down the hole to our deaths, but we're still dangling there in space. That's why Christ is our Redeemer as well... Because not only does he catch us, but He lifts us. That's the meaning of Redemption, of a Redeemer. In Mosiah 13:4-5 we learn that "Surely He hath bourne our griefs and carried our sorrows." Christ didn't need to feel our pains in order for us to be saved- He only needed to pay for our sins. But because He is our Savior and Redeemer, he did. He's lifted us out of the hole, instead of leaving us dangling, he's lifted our burdens and sorrows. In verse 5 it says, "And with His stripes, we are healed." Not only are we saved, but healed as well. Lifted. Redeemed. A Savior saves, a Redeemer lifts. The gospel is so cool, right?!

Funny moment this week: Sister Nielsen and I spent half Wednesday morning standing on kitchen chairs because of the HUGE, HUGE spider on the wall. *Shudder* Also, I got slightly peed on by a small boy. We were talking to this woman in her house, and the little boy by her just starts peeing on the rock by the one I was standing on. I feel some splashes on my leg.... Yeah. That happened. Ahaha. Oh, the Philippines. :)

Okay okay okay. I'm sorry that my mouth runs away with me every week. I love you all so much, and I'm the happiest I've ever been. I love this work... Can't wait to update you all on my new area and new companion! Keep on keeping on.

All my love,
Sister Luke

Sister K's baptism

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