Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Still Working

Written 3/2/2014
Hi guys.
This has sort of been the week where you kick open the door Sunday night and want to just throw yourself facedown on the couch till someone comes and asks if you're okay. Ahaha. Except we don't have a couch. But we do have chairs and a floor that I used in substitute. 
First off: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLISLE! This Saturday my lovely Carlisle will turn  the big 20. Don't forget to wish her a happy birthday and hug her for me! Love you, Carl :)

So, It was a bit of a disappointing week... It's been a test to not get discouraged, but all in all, I do know that my Redeemer lives and loves us, and really that's what's important. First off, no transfers (no surprise there), so life continues here in beautiful Silay :) The amazing and awesome part of this week came on Tuesday, after district meeting. All the foreigners (thats me! I'm a foreigner.) got called into come to the mission office, so we headed off to Bacolod. At the office I saw Sister Nielsen and it was a joyful reunion :) She said Bacolod 2nd is doing great, and so is T. :) AND! She also told me about Brother P. I don't know if I mentioned this, but when I left, Brother P. told Sister N that he didn't want to listen to the missionaries anymore because I left. Of course, they kept visiting, and Sister Nielsen said that a couple weeks ago they taught him about tithing. They weren't able to teach him the following week because of his work schedule, but then that Sunday he showed up to church on his own and PAID HIS TITHING. GUYS. BROTHER P. PAID TITHING. Now, granted, I know investigators aren't supposed to pay tithing... and Sister Nielsen and I had a good laugh because she had thought they'd made it clear it's just for members, but apparently there was a miscommunication :) But who cares?! My dear Brother P. had the faith to pay his tithing. I love missionary work.
Also, on Monday, we went to a bunch of "ukays", which is basically like a huge, outdoor DI. So if you know me, ukays are of course my favorite. And I think I deserve the Wendy Wilkins Bargain Award for this week because I got a 2 shirts, a dress, and a horrible ugly tie (it has knights in shining armor on it and it says "Put on the Whole Armor of God"... who could resist, honestly? My future spouse will wear it on Father's day) all for 45 pesos. Which, is 1 american dollar. Please, hold your applause.
Anyhow, the rest of the week... Well.. Sister De Castro fell ill this week on Wednesday, and then Thursday morning at like 4 am I woke up as nauseous as anything. We were stuck inside for 2 and a half days and I wanted to poke my eyes out. We went out Thursday night anyway, just to drop by L.'s house and finalize the plans for her baptism on Saturday. We were all set, and we even taught them on Friday night.... But we got a text Saturday afternoon, a half hour before she was set to arrive at the church for her baptism.... And she backed out. She told us she wasn't prepared yet, and said, "Next time, sisters!" 

So. That was devastating. We called and texted and went to their house, and no one was home. So far we haven't been able to get in touch, but we'll be visiting her later tonight. These people think they can rip my heart out!
Our funny experience: one of our investigators arrived to church on Sunday in jeans and a white t shirt, which is not unusual. But the T-shirt was rather... well, inappropriate. Haha but I had to laugh that he would be coming to church wearing his earrings, jeans, spiky hair and rather promiscuous shirt. But I love it, too, because he was THERE. It reminded me of my dear friend, Elder Peterson. He shared that the church isn't for those who are perfect, right? It's for the sinners. We all need Christ because we are all imperfect. Moroni 8:8... "The whole need no physician, but they that are sick..." no? And who better than the Great Physician to operate in our lives, and clear out the gunk and junk of our sins. 
Big fat thank you to Aunt Sheri and Megs for the letters :) They brighten my week. I love you all, the church is the most true. Thank you for your support and amazing love I get to feel every week when I read your letters. Keep serving the Lord! I'm right there with you.
All my love,
Sister Luke

1. Celebrating (a little late) Sister Davis' year mark, complete with glow in the dark princess masks (compliments of Sister Davis' mom :)) and dunkin' donuts. (For some reason their Dunkin Donuts here are ridiculously delicious.)

2. This adorable little thing at church on Sunday. 

3. Hi, Sister Dean! :)

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