Saturday, November 15, 2014

My Own Princess Pammy

Written 11/9/14

**Disclaimer/Just an explanation from Megan: Princess Pammy is the title of a series of made-up stories that Grandma tells to the grandchildren in our family. This would be the reason for the subject of this email.

Once upon a time there was an 80 year old man who bought Sister Luke and Sister Santos ice cream when they tried to talk to him about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then he told them all about his multiple girlfriends in many lands, and Sister Luke shared with him the Law of Chastity.

Once upon a time Sister Santos and Sister Luke were walking in the mountains when they heard what sounded like a really sad kitten. Little did they know it was actually the call of a bright yellow frog, being eaten by a green snake.

Once upon a time, Sister Luke's batchmate and BEST friend in the Bacolod mission, Sister Char, became her new STL. Sister Luke felt like Alma when his strength was exhausted because of his happiness. Then Sister Luke got to listen to Sister Char give a wonderful training on Friday.

Once upon a time Sister Luke found out that her recent convert, T., became the young men's president in Bacolod 2nd ward. Her joy was again, so much that her strength was exhausted.

Once upon a time, Sister Luke started her 11th transfer in the mission field.....

So that was some of my week. My past companions THINK they can die here in the mission. Sister De Castro is now officially an RM, and Sister Fitz and Sister Foote are next to die. Also, my past companions all THINK they can become companions! Sister Fitz and Sister Oquias are together and I'm SO happy. Plus with Sister Char here.... Life doesn't get too much better.

The area is finally seeing success. It feels so good to see the hand of the Lord blessing this area. J.P., the brother of a recent convert was baptized on Saturday, and this week C. surprised us by setting her own baptismal date on the 15th! Her husband is home now (he was working up north up till now) and he accepted a baptismal date for December 6th. We’re so excited for this little family. Brother M. is so receptive and willing to learn and supportive of C.

This week Sister R. showed up to church in a new skirt and bringing her four kids with her. She asked for a priesthood blessing for her oldest boy who had a raging fever, and it was amazing to see her faith. She’s already in Mosiah in her reading. M. is on track to be baptized on the 22nd with R.

Brother L., a husband of our RC, Sister B., actually took a book of Mormon this week! He always sits and listens skeptically to our lessons while he sews and we teach Sister B., but this past while he’s started asking questions and this week he asked, “Who’s Alma and why isn’t he in the Bible?” and other questions like that. We gave a brief explanation and Sister Santos bravely offered him a copy for himself. He took it, and said he’d read it in his spare time. I know the Spirit is not limited… It can work on anyone.

We had 10 investigators at church on Sunday and our mom investigators are all bringing their kids to church... Hopefully soon the husbands will folllow. That's our current project. Project Husband. Okay, that sounds bad for a missionary to say.... You know what I mean. I promise I'm focused on my purpose...

Speaking of, I studied about my purpose and the doctrine of Christ this week, and it blew my mind all over again. The way is really so straight. But in that, we really see the love of our Lord. If it was zig-zag and looping, the path would be much harder and more exhausting to follow. Because the Lord loves us, He made the way straight. I want to close with one of my favorite scriptures from 2 Nephi,

"O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the  keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he  employeth no servant there; and there is none other way    save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.

I thank the Lord that the keeper of the gate is Christ. I know that if we live this gospel to the fullest, we will have what we need to be able to pass through that gate, and to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent, to gain eternal life, and to sit down in His kingdom, to be crowned and glorified. Then we call all run up and down the stairs with Aunt Laura. I know she's just waiting for us :)

Hope your Once upon a time is as great as mine is right now.
 Love you all. Be good.

Sister Luke

1. Reunited. Sister Char.

2.  Wicked sunset
3. Cute J.P. or "Polpol"
4.  A piece of sugar cane. A question mark. A piece of art.
5. The feet of the missionaries...
6. Our addiction is getting out of control.
7. Sweet.
8. My new best friend the nun.
9. I'm a one cow woman. :)
10. "First you take a plastic bag, then you put it on your head..."
11. Our new pet. For Aubree.

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