Sunday, May 18, 2014

I'm sensing a pattern here...‏

Written 4/27/14
Hi Family-

This has been the BEST week ever. So awesome and wonderful.......and then I got a call at 6:35am this morning. This was my conversation with President:
"Good morning, Sister! Is this Sister Foote?"
"No, President, this is actually Sister Luke." (trying to put on my "I didn't just wake up 5 minutes ago voice".)
"Oh, Sister Luke! How are you?"
"Great, President, how are you?"
"I'm wonderful. I'm sorry it's such short notice and I couldn't delegate this to the assistants, but you're going to be transferred. Today. So meet at the mission office at 1pm. Thank you sister!"
........ So there we are. I'm transferring later today. I wish I could be super upbeat and happy about it, but to be honest I'm devastated. Sister Foote and I saw SO many miracles this week, and yesterday was the best Sunday I've ever had here in Silay... and now I'm transferring. But I dont want to go on and on about it, so lets talk about the miracles this week.
Miracle #1: Sister Foote broke her toe on Wednesday. Ahaha, that's not the miracle part, by the way. The miracle is that we got to organize member exchanges, and by Saturday she was as good as new. So we didn't miss out on the work.
Miracle #2: The C. family. I want you to all imagine 8 T.-like investigators. Yes. They are the most amazing family I have ever met, and I love them SO much. L.T. (Grandma) is one of them, and she's the coolest 80-year old I've ever met. She showed up at church yesterday before anyone else... Before the gate at the church was even unlocked, and she was wearing this fantastic brown flowered suit thing that i just love. I just wish you could understand how amazing and cool this family is. We introduced the Book of Mormon last night and reviewed Joseph Smith with them, and it was one of the most memorable lessons I've ever had on my mission. Literally, all 8 of them (parents, and one of the mom's brothers, 2 couples, and grandma) were involved in the lesson, asking good questions and then explaining and answering their own questions to each other. They all looked at their Book of Mormons with such interest and excitement, and wouldn't let us move on in the lesson till they ALL understood what we were teaching. It was so, so, SO COOL. Missionary work is indescribable. 
Miracle #3: 7 investigators showed up to church. And we only picked up 1 of them! 
Miracle #4: The investigator we DID pick up for church is named R., and is the sweetest 17 year old I've ever met. She's also deaf. Sister Foote knows sign language a bit from College, but this is one of those times I wish I had my trusty cousin Janine with me to help us teach and translate. But the people at church were amazing. We have a boy at church who signs, and even the youth who don't sign, but typed out messages on their phones for her to read and respond to. The youth in this ward were amazing. 
Miracle #5: The M. family showed up to church. They are our recent convert family (my recent convert R. is their son?) that has been sort of less active for a month and a half... and we've been working a ton with them these past few weeks. We've missed them at church for a long time now, but we had a really good lesson with them on Tuesday, and Sister M. told me, "Sister, I don't know if R.S. [her neighbor she normally goes to church with] is going to church, but I'M going to church this week no matter what."
The sweetest words I ever did hear. 
And then she actually DID! And she brought her kids! Sister Foote and I were walking on the sidewalk just a ways from the church and heard someone from a bus calling our names. I looked and waved, and then realized that it was the whole M. family, sticking their heads and hands out the window and waving at me. I've never seen a more beautiful sight. I started jumping up and down and waving at them... I couldn't help myself!! I've never been so happy. Sunday was so, so lovely.

Our week was just too filled with awesomeness. Hilarious experiences- I hardly ever stop laughing with Sister Foote, and such miracles. I've LOVED this area, and I'm so sad to be leaving. I'll definitely be leaving my heart here. But I'll go where He wants me to go.
I'm feeling a little flat today, and our time is really short to email, so sorry for this cobbled mess of an email, but what can you do. This first picture is me and Sister Foote at the Ruins in Talisay last monday. The second is the C. family- Grandma is on the right. (I think you could fit a whole cup of water in that collar bone chasm of hers.) The one closest to the front is the Mom- J. LOVE this woman. The third picture is mine and Sister Davis' feelings this morning on the transfer. 
Love you all! Can't wait to write to you next week about my new adventures. Pray for Sister Foote- this will be her 14th companion, and she's only been out just over 10 months. 
The most love coming your way!
Sister Luke
P.S. Mom, I got your package. You are the best!! Happiest birthday to me. And Becky Vogler's package came! She's the best ever. Me and my companion are addicted to that Crystal Light :)
PPS I just got a call from the AP's and the transfer might actually be tomorrow. Okay, not that that actually applies or matters to any of you, but I thought I'd at least share the news :)

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