Sunday, May 18, 2014

"It's my birthday gift to me!"‏

Written 4/13/14

Dear Loved ones-
The subject line? Movie movie. 
So, that's it kids! I'm out of the teenage years for good. Can't say I'm devastated but I also can't promise I'll ever really stop being a 12 year old. 
Transfer time! Sister De Castro moved on to become an STL (and her new companion is Sister Nielsen, my last companion! Small world.) and Sister Foote is here with me in Silay! We were both in my very first district together in Bacolod, and needless to say I am STOKED for this transfer. I was sad to see Sister De Castro go, but I love Sister Foote already. We've already had some ridiculously fun times together. Wanna hear?
1. We were sung to- a COMPLETE song about Jesus and the resurrection- by a new 60+ baptist investigator, who burst into song for a full 2 minutes and then afterwards straightfaced asked us, "Do you know that song?" as casually as if he had just mentioned the song title, and not sung the WHOLE song to us. I now know what it truly means to hold back the giggles.
2. A miracle: We were walking along a dirt road when a pickup truck ( A real pickup truck!) pulled up next to us and the guy asks, "Are you Mormons?" and then the sweetest sentence I've ever heard, "How do you become a Mormon? I wanna know." We gave his number and address to Sister Davis and Sister Javier and I can't wait to hear how that one turns out.
3. I cannot physically teach the gospel in English right now. I tried. I found an American from West Virgina (thanks Adam, for living in Virginia and giving me a talking point) and gave him a pamphlet... In the most awkward english ever. Something like "Here in this pamphlet you'll learn.. like... You know, there's a lot of simba.. I mean, Churches here in... the whole world right now, right? And when Jesus Christ was here still on earth he...." 
Yeah, I'll spare you the rest of the painfully awkward details. It was a source of even more giggles for the rest of the day. But he was really nice, and come to find out, the missionaries had visited their home in West Virginia twice already before they had left for the Pines! The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Okay. General Conference. Can we just talk about that for a sec? Man, it was so, so, SO good. So much good.I felt like the talks all tied back to obedience, pressing forward, and keeping covenants. Some favorites were from Elder Zwick, Elder Christofferson, and of course, Elder Bednar. Also from Elder Holland, that the path doesn't have a lot of latitude, but it can be thrillingly enjoyed. God is not made in man's own image... He is not man made at all. He sets the terms of our covenants, our blessings, and we either choose to accept them or not. We do not get to pick and choose when it comes to obedience. Pres. Eyring's talk was also fabulous, but I had a special experience while listening to Pres. Uchtdorf. 

We had one of our investigators (one who was almost baptized, then backed out) finally promise that she would be attending General Conference, and we even made sure there would be someone there at her house to watch their tiangge (store). She text us 15 min into the first session and told us she wouldn't be attending, because she was watching her sister's baby. I lost patience then, and in exasperation, chucked the phone into my bag. Just as this happened, I returned my thoughts back to conference only to hear Elder Uchtdorf about having gratitude, "Even when we think, 'What in the world do I have to be grateful for?' ". Well, that was certainly what I was thinking. But that was a good and immediate (and needed) chastisement from the Spirit. His talk was life changing, and I feel like it was directly to me. Lately I've been feeling like I've been failing in this area- our RC's are going less active, our investigators aren't progressing... But I've realized now what I need. I need gratitude, and i need obedience. My resolve and faith was strengthened immensely this conference. Today I'm turning 20. What better time to set goals such as these? 

I've learned here on the mission that our testimonies aren't to be changed according to the weather or conditions in our lives; it is in fact our testimonies that change us instead, no matter what the weather or conditions. Let us not fall into the trap of "convenient obedience". Let us not be "fair weather" saints. Let us be grateful, and let us be obedient.
He also had a couple other thoughts I fell in love with: 

"Let us put down the bottle of bitterness and take up the goblet of gratitude." 
"Why is there something in all of us that hates endings? Because we are made of the stuff of eternities. Endings are not our destiny; there are no endings in this plan, only everlasting beginnings. Have we not reason to rejoice?" 
I can't say it any better than that. Thank you all for the birthday wishes, today has already been a fun day :) It's my favorite weather right now- cloudy and simply pouring, and not too hot. It's the little things. 
Love you all so much. I have the best family in the world- I am more and more convinced of that every week!
Sister Luke
Captions for the photos by Megan:

Birthday Princess!

New Companion! Sister Foote

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