Sunday, May 18, 2014

No Subject (That's her subject line this week which is normally what I name her posts...)

Written 5/18/14

Hi guys!
I hate Filipino internet cafe keyboards. But I love everything else Filipino. To quote one of my best friends,
"I'm doing so well out here. I just love this so much. Everything about it. The gospel, the people, the food, the landscape, the members, the food, the hours we spend proselyting, the food, that special feeling you get when you teach by the Spirit, my companions, the life lessons I learn, and the food. I just love it all so much."
Definitely the food.
Our funny experience this week: We were teaching Word of Wisdom  to our 4 child investigators when I told them we shouldn't tattoo our bodies. I said, "Wa'ay tattoos" (no tattoos) but what they heard was "Wa'ay katol" which means no "itchy". Ahaha. They were quite concerned about that and pointed out the many bug bites on their arms... obviously worried about how they could possibly keep this commandment that requires them to have no "itchy" :) Ahaha. We had to reexplain.
We had an earthquake this week! We were sitting on the floor teaching a lesson, when the house started to shake. Don't worry, I was in a bamboo house on stilts over the ocean, so I was pretty safe. ;)

It was a tiny earthquake, in truth, so really Mom, I am perfectly fine :)
G.G. was baptized on Saturday. We waited at the church and she never showed, and we eventually had to go search for her and take her to the church (but I mean, she went willingly) but she eventually ended up in the font :) It was a really nice service, and I never tire of seeing that look on peoples faces after they are baptized. That glowing, happy one? I'm so lucky to be a missionary.
J.R. is our long time investigator who's getting baptized this Saturday. He is 17, and the coolest ever. He's been investigating for a long time, but has only finally been able to overcome his word of wisdom. We have super strong, awesome youth in this ward, and it's totally affecting (effecting?) the work. He has so many friends here, and his friend is going to be the one to baptize him. LOVE.  Yesterday J.R. didn't have the plete (money) to ride all the way to the church, so he RAN all the way to the church from the market. I love this boy. He arrived dripping sweat and smiling ear to ear. Never seen a more beautiful sight :) Shouldn't we all be that determined and excited to come to church?

One of our Recent Converts, J., will be the one to baptize J.R. We wrote out what J. will say when he baptizes him and left it with him so he could practice the english. When we left that teaching appointment, J.R. was helping J. memorize it, and quizzing him so he could say it exactly right. My heart just swells with joy to see such worthy priesthood holders excited and ready to help each other fulfill their duties and participate in sacred ordinances.
Something I learned this week, best summarized in a quote from the Liahona (Don't condemn me because I forgot who said it.):
"The final judgement is not just an evaluation of the sum total of good and evil acts- what we have done... It is an acknowledgement of the final effect of our acts and thoughts- what we have become. It's not enough for anyone to just go through the motions. The commandments, ordinances, and covenants of the gospel are not a list of deposits required to be made in some heavenly account. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a plan that shows us how to become what our Heavenly Father desires us to become."
So true. This church is so true, and the gospel is the only path back to where we belong. We were born here to return to our Father. We have a divine nature that we are to live up to. Divine heritage, divine nature, and divine potential.

We have it all! Don't give it up.
Love you all!
Sister Luke

1. G.G.!
2. How is nature this beautiful??

3. My little gwapo man.
4. Cutie.
5. Some of our awesome YM recent converts. They are hilarious. 
The tall one on the right is the one that'll baptize J.R. (J.R. isn't in the picture.)

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